Frequently asked questions
How SPAARKD works
How does SPAARKD work?
Who is SPAARKD for?
Orders & delivery
Where is my order?
How can I place an order?
Do I need an account to place an order?
At what times can I order at SPAARKD?
I didn't receive an order confirmation email, what should I do?
How does SPAARKD deliver my orders?
Does SPAARKD ship to my country?
What are the delivery costs?
Are customs and duties included for orders shipping outside the EU?
How do I make changes to my order?
How do I cancel my order?
Returns & refunds
What is SPAARKD's return policy?
How do I return my order?
Can I exchange an item instead of returning it?
What do I do if an item that I purchased is damaged or defective?
What do I do if an item is missing from my order?
How will I be refunded?
Payment & pricing
What payment options are available?
Which currencies can I shop in?
Who processes my payment?
Sizing & fit
What sizes does SPAARKD offer and how do I find my right size?
Responsibility & impact
What is SPAARKD's approach to responsibility and impact?
How does SPAARKD ensure product quality?
What materials does SPAARKD use?
What is the relationship between SPAARKD and PANGAIA?